™ has gained a strong reputation in the cryptocurrency community. Log in securely to your account. Safeguard your digital currencies and manage your cryptocurrency investments with ease. is used for setting up and managing your Trezor hardware wallet. It guides you through the initial configuration, firmware updates, and wallet management, ensuring the secure storage of cryptocurrencies.

How to Use

Using is your first step towards securing your cryptocurrency with a Trezor hardware wallet. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:


  • A Trezor hardware wallet.

  • A computer with internet access.

Step 1: Connect Your Trezor

Connect your Trezor device to your computer using the USB cable provided. Ensure that the device is securely connected.

Step 2: Visit

Open a web browser on your computer and go to This website serves as the central hub for setting up and managing your Trezor device.

Step 3: Install Trezor Bridge

The website may prompt you to download and install Trezor Bridge. This software facilitates communication between your Trezor device and your computer. Follow the on-screen instructions for installation.

Step 4: Choose Your Device

Select your Trezor model on the website. Whether you have a Trezor One or Trezor Model T, the site provides specific instructions for each device.

Step 5: Firmware Update

If required, the site will guide you through updating your device's firmware. Always ensure you have the latest firmware installed for security purposes.

Step 6: Create a New Wallet or Recover

Decide whether to create a new wallet or recover an existing one. If you're setting up for the first time, choose to create a new wallet. If you're restoring access to a previously used wallet, select recover and enter your recovery seed.

Step 7: Backup Your Recovery Seed

During the setup of a new wallet, your device will generate a unique recovery seed. Write down this seed and keep it in a safe place. Your recovery seed is the only way to restore access to your funds if your device is lost or damaged.

Step 8: Set a PIN

Secure your device with a PIN. Choose a strong PIN that you can remember, as you will need it each time you access your Trezor.

Step 9: Access Your Wallet

With your device set up, you can now access your wallet through Trezor's web interface or compatible software wallets. Begin sending and receiving cryptocurrencies securely.


By following these steps, your Trezor hardware wallet will be securely configured, giving you peace of mind when managing your cryptocurrencies.

Last updated